Blood work provides a quick, convenient, and minimally invasive way to gain insights into your hormone levels and health. At Performance Rejuvenation Center in Washington, D.C., the team of anti-aging and hormone specialists uses blood work to diagnose underlying medical issues and guide treatments like hormone replacement therapy. Call Performance Rejuvenation Center today to schedule a blood work telehealth appointment, or book your visit online today.
Yes. The Performance Rejuvenation Center team regularly uses blood work to diagnose peptide-related issues and hormone imbalances (like low testosterone).
After review of your symptoms and treatment goals, blood work that aligns with your needs can be ordered through Performance Rejuvenation Center.
Blood work is an essential component to properly managed hormone replacement therapy or Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Blood work provides essential information about your health that the team uses to guide treatment.
Request blood work at Performance Rejuvenation Center if you have any of the following symptoms:
Some men with hormone imbalances experience behavioral conditions like depression and anxiety.
The Performance Rejuvenation Center team uses blood work to identify peptide irregularities and hormone imbalances in men. Depending on your needs, the team orders blood work to assess your levels of specific hormones, including:
Key metabolic biomarkers evaluating liver function, kidney health and more. Blood work can help to identifiy imbalances that affect your mood, energy levels, and libido.
To ensure accurate results, your Performance Rejuvenation Center provider asks you to stop taking certain medications, like oral steroids and testosterone supplements, before your blood test.
You will get best results if you fast overnight and have your blood drawn first thing in the morning. When the team receives your complete results they will schedule an appointment for review with your physician. Your symptom presentation and blood work results are used to make personalized treatment recommendations.
The Performance Rejuvenation Center team offers telemedicine in all 50 states.
Suppose your blood work confirms you have low testosterone or a other imbalance. In that case, the Performance Rejuvenation Center team develops a care plan to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and help you feel better. Depending on your age and needs, that might include peptide therapy, hormone replacement therapy, or testosterone therapy.
Call Performance Rejuvenation Center today to schedule in-office blood work or book your appointment online.